"Black. White. Gray."

Black. White. Gray. And sometimes red.

Is that all there is?

The next time you're in traffic, take a look at the passing cars. The vast majority of them are either black, white, or gray, with the occasional red or blue exception (usually on older models).

It's just one sign of the conformity of the times, induced by manufacturers. But marketers only respond to what sells, so the conformity really lies with me, regardless of how original I may think I am (my own car is gray).

And this homogeny is reflected in other areas too like art, music, and literature, which are not nearly as adventurous or experimental as they were even 50 years ago. The same is true in news reporting, which is neither as curious nor as skeptical as it once was, whichever its political bent.

But Scripture teaches the opposite:

"And do not conform yourselves to this world. But be changed, by the renewing of your mind. So that you may test what the good and acceptable and perfect will of God is.”
~Romans 12:2

As a believer, I am not only charged with rejecting conformity, but in fact seeking the opposite, especially when it comes to proclaiming the Gospel. And what's more, I have been empowered to do so by the Holy Spirit. So if I don't, I not only risk devaluing my witness, but losing it altogether.

Starting today, no more gray. (except my car...for now)