Active Scripture Memorization

Wait a minute. Isn't that redundant?

I mean, all Scripture is supposed to be “living and active” already, right? (Hebrews 4:12)

Ahh, yes, but it's not the Scripture that needs activating. It's the memorization of it.

For centuries, people have been memorizing and speaking back God's Word to each other, with powerful, reckless results. Up until about 500 years ago, it was our primary means of Bible study, since most of us were illiterate.

But since then, memorization has slowly receded into a small, passive corner of life for most of us grown-ups, if it has any place at all. We think of it as something only “good” Christians do. Or that it's a “Spiritual Gift” bestowed on only a chosen few.

Hiding God's Word in our hearts and speaking it back to each other in community is right up there with other stuff we think we “should” do more of like calling our mom or eating vegetables or voting. So we beat ourselves up about it a little in whatever manner seems appropriate. But, we rarely do anything to change it. It's just not that important to us.

But what if there was something we were MISSING? What if the simple act of speaking back long memorized passages of Scripture in community, Active Scripture Memorization, had the power to transform our relationship with Jesus, as it did for the 1st Century Church?

Wouldn't committing to that kind of “spiritual workout”, with such proven spiritual benefits, be just like committing to a physical workout every day because of its physical benefits?

There is real revival here.

Taste and see.