Best Living Books Audio

"If You Love Me"

...there is a false teaching that both of Jesus' Commandments from Matthew 22:36-40 (and Mark 12:29-31) are of equal value?

"Guard Your Witness"

Jesus only says “have you not read... (Scripture)?” when talking to the Pharisees and Sadducees?

When speaking to His disciples, He almost exclusively uses words like “hear” and “see” when referring to the Word of God…

"Biblical Hospitality"

Sometimes people ask, "So, what's the difference between The Revised Geneva Translation and other Bibles?" Good question!

One difference is the RGT's carefully considered rendering of the same ancient Greek word in 1Timothy 3:2, Titus 1:8, Romans 12:13 and Hebrews 13:2. See if you can guess what it is…

"What Is Your Source of Truth?"

A great conversation starter with an unbeliever is to ask one simple question, "What is your source of Truth?"

This question must be answered in order to explain the…