Advent Week 2 (“Who’s Your Daddy?”)

Matthew 2:1-12 is, of course, one of the famous parts of the Christmas Story and is used by the Spirit to great effect for the Kingdom at this time of year. But did you know that Matthew 1 is probably responsible for just as many people coming to faith in Christ over the centuries? It is well-documented by missionaries that entire tribes have been saved simply by hearing Jesus' genealogy. Older cultures still often verify identity this way. And it’s definitely no accident that the Apostle Matthew put it at the beginning of his Gospel, and thus, at the beginning of the Emmanuel Story.

The genealogy of Jesus in Matthew 1 is one of the beautiful things that sets the Bible apart from every other "Holy" book. It is the only one that offers such accountability for its claims to truth, both historically and chronologically.

So this Christmas, as you read Luke 1 with your family, don’t forget to do the same with Matthew 1. It  is equally as important.